Wason, John Cathcart (1905) East Africa and Uganda, Griffiths, pp. 52-53

We kept a good watch [near Entebbe on Lake Victoria] for the dreaded "Lukwata," an animal of which the natives are in great fear. What it is no one can exactly say. A semi-fabulous animal, its existence is vouched for by at least one distinguished Government official [Clement Hill] who made its acquaintance when crossing the Lake in a small steam launch. The natives cannot give any accurate description as they generally lose their consciousness when it appears and selects a victim from a canoe, but I have been assured by testimony it is impossible to disbelieve that it appears with head and neck at least ten feet above the level of the lake. Sea serpent, sea horse, or sea cow, there is certainly a strange beast which no one as yet has made a serious effort to capture.


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