Anon. "Does the Brown Hyaena Occur in Kenya?," Nature in East Africa: The Bulletin of the East Africa Natural History Society, Vol. 5 (1948)

In a recent number of 'Nature in East Africa' (No 4. December, 1947, p  19), the brown hyaena (Hyaena brunnea Thun.) was reported from Kabete near Nairobi. This appeared to be a record of great interest because as long ago as 1899 the species was recorded by Bryden (quoted in Shortridge, 1934, and in Rowland Ward's records of Big Game, 1935) as occurring north of Zambesi as far as Angola in the west of Kilimanjaro in the east, while Trouessart has cited Kordofan (Sudan) and other places in N.E. Africa as its habitat.
... the Brown Hyanea (H. brunnea) ... is known to exist in the Kedong Valley, and must come up the escarpment to higher country. This is proved by the fact that it ranges to Kabete, where it has been poisoned several times by the Veterinary Dept. The last one I handled in the mortuary a year ago. Two years ago I found one killed on the Railway line near Kabete Railway Station, I have the skulls of them both.


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