Walker, Alfred O. "The Rhinoceros in New Guinea," Nature, Vol. 11 (28 January 1875), p. 248

Lieut. Sidney Smith, late of H.M.S. Basilisk, reports that while engaged in surveying on the north coast of Papua, between Huon Bay and Cape Basilisk, being on shore with a party cutting firewood, he observed in the forest the "droppings" (excrement) of a rhinoceros in more than one place, the bushes in the neighbourhood being also broken and trampled as if by a large animal. The presence of so large an animal belonging to the Asiatic fauna in Papua is an important fact.

(We should be inclined to doubt very seriously the occurrence of any rhinoceros in New Guinea. At any rate, the important fact, as our correspondent terms it, cannot be considered as established.–Ed.)


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