Anon. "Captura de un Monstruo Marino de la Costa Argentina," La Vanguardia (22 January 1967)

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21-1-67. A mysterious animal weighing 700 to 800 kilograms was hunted in the Atlantic Ocean in the proximity of the mouth of the Salado River. Its capture scattered dread and discomfort, although the oldest fishermen failed to recognize its classification and origin.

The subofficial, Sotelo, of the prefecture (Maritime Police) said that a large animal swam in front of his post. At first he thought that it was a sea-cow in the distance, but the approach in a launch proved that it was an unknown animal, which was escaping. After two shots, Sotelo managed to kill the monster, which was roped and drawn from the water by the townsmen.

The beast possessed dorsal fins in the form of hands, ending in four clawed digits, and a spindly body. The head was similar to that of a cow, although provided with large canine teeth similar to those of a carnivore. A daily newspaper has published today a photograph of the head of the monster by the side of its captor, Sotelo.


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