Anon. "Scientist Sights Jellylike Thing in Atlantic Area," Battle Creek Enquirer (21 August 1963)

A "thing" described as a 40-foot-long hunk of jelly is reported cavorting in the Atlantic. It undulated near the surface in a manner resembling the storied sea serpents, says Dr. Lionel A. Walford, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife research center here. "But please be careful not to call it a sea serpent," savs Walford, who saw the creature. "It is an invertebrate," he said here. "It looked like so much jelly. I could see no bones, and no eyes, nose or mouth. But, there it was, undulating along looking as if it were almost made of fluid glass." The "thing" was sighted off Sandy Hook. "It was at least 40 feet in length, and about 5 inches thick and perhaps 7 to 8 inches deep, looking something like an enormously long flattened eel," said Walfofd. The "thing" was sighted from a research vessel as scientists were lowering two frogmen in a sharkproof' iron "bird cage" to make oceanographic studies.


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