Jameson, James Sligo (1891) The Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, p. 187

January 7th [1888, Yambuya] [...] Assad Farran [a Syrian interpreter] came to me this morning, and told me that a curious beast, which he was sure was a whale, habitually came out of the water near our two canoes, and fed on the grass on the bank, but disappeared back into the water on the approach of any one. He said the sentry over the canoes constantly saw it, and on my inquiring if he was certain it was a whale, said, "Oh yes! it is something like the shape of a crocodile; I am sure it is a whale." I imagine the animal to be an iguana [monitor]; however, he is to let me know the next time it is visible, for me to shoot it.


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