Rusby, Henry H. & Kirchgessner, Anthony (1 June 2013) "The Diary of H.H. Rusby: A Botanical Explorer in the Amazon Basin," New York Botanical Garden (, accessed 10 February 2021

A young Peruvian ranchman, Dr. Daniel A. Tovar, Huancayo, Peru has given me much information about the animals and plants of this region. He says they have three bears, a black one with brown nose, the largest, about as large as our Cinnamon bear and in the habit of killing cattle; a brown one nearly as large, perhaps a variety of the other; and the spectacled bear. He says that the large deer of the high altitudes has two pouches under its eyes, and when surprised by an enemy, draws down the skin so as to expose them, thus presenting the appearance of having four eyes.


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