Macedo, Joana "Ameaça ou Ameaçada? As Controvérsias Sobre as Múltiplas Onças na Amazônia," Anuário Antropológico, Vol. 41, No. 1 (2016)
The onça-da-coleira-branca [white-collared jaguar] was mentioned twice. The animal was seen in a community in the late afternoon, while the locals were playing football. The jaguar was sitting at the edge of the forest, "enjoying the ball-game". When noticed, it fled into the woods and was not seen again ... the onça-da-coleira-branca has been described as a black jaguar with a strip of white fur around its neck. There was also a mention of the onça-preta-do-peito-branco [white-breasted black jaguar]. ... There have been three reports of the killing of the onça-tigre . In the first, the ribeirinho claims that he killed a male animal — like a spotted jaguar, but it was bicó (tailless), with its hands turned backwards ... the hair was very short on the back, and the chest was hairy. The hunter's wife saw the animal and confirmed the description. The second informant also killed and measured the onça-tigre , which was 9 spans (about 1.80 metres) from the chin to the