Martins, João Vicente (1993) Crenças, Adivinhação e Medicina Tradicionais dos Tutchokwe do Nordeste de Angola

Kayeke (legendary primate)
Legendary primate, which would exist in Zaire, and which, so the natives say, would be an anthropoid, similar in everything to man, since it also has a language of its own.

Tambwe ya meia (water lion)
Legendary animal, of great dimensions, whose snout is read, like a mukiche mask. It is so big that it can be mistaken for the trunk of a leafy tree.

Zuje (legendary animal)
Legendary animal, like a saurian, of monstrous dimensions. It is so long that, if it crosses a river, where it generally lives, it can serve as a bridge and be mistaken for the trunk of a large, leafy tree. Memories of prehistoric animals like the brontosaur, perhaps.


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