Baptista de Moura, Ignacio (1910) De Belém a S. João do Araguaya: Valle do Rio Tocantins, H. Garnier, p. 136

Besides the cobra grande, there are yet more fabulous animals in the Amazon, such as ... the Janaú or Janahúy, an animal which walks in groups through the forest, like a pack of dogs or small wolves, very dangerous and carnivorous, intoxicating its victims with a strong stench, allowing it to sate its verocity; the Tapira-yauara, meaning tapir-dog in Tupi, a gigantic animal which has the shape of a jaguar with the hooved paws of a tapir, with which it digs into the earth to fell the trees whose branches provide refuge for its enemies, who must flee.

Note: The name janaú is used for procyonids such as the kinkajou and olingo.


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